As you try on running shoes, remember these tips from WebMD. First, measure youAdidas Zx Flux Femmer foot regularly since the size of your foot changes as you grow older. Shop towards the end of the day (feet swell as the day wears on; you want to get shoes that fit your feet when they are at their largest), bring your own socks, and allow for extra room nearAdidas Stan Smith Womens the toes. 

Have some fun.

If you love those hot pink running shoes (and they feel great), then why not? You're working your butt off, so allow yourself to get shoes that make a statement or that reflect your own individual style. (And if you prefer a more refined look, that's perfectly OK, too.)

If you can afford it, get two pairs of running shoes.

This article from Verywell makes a convincing argument for having two pairs of running shoes: "If you run almost every day, it is beneficial to give your shoes a rest in between runs. Your shoes will last longer when yoAdidas Stan Smith Femmeu give them a day or two to decompress and dry out between workouts."

Remember to replace your running shoes.

Are you still wearing the same running shoes from a year ago? That's not good. Once running shoes wear out, they won't give your feet the comfort and support they need, which can lead to injury and/or discomfort that takes the joy out of running.

REI says a good pair of running shoes should last 400-500 miles of running. For a regular runner, this means you'll need to replace shoes three to four times a year. Keep in mind, however, that this is a ballpark recomNike Air Pegasus 83 Mujermendation. Your weight, your running style, where you run, etc. will affect how worn out your shoes get. Some other sites, like WebMD, recommend a more conservative estimate: 350-400 miles. Bottom line: you will need to replace them. Yes, it's an investment, bNike Air Vapormax Donneut a good one. Don't skimp!

By the way, don't throw away those running shoes—recycle them. This article provides three good options that can give your running shoes a second life.

Need more help? Runner's World has a handy shoe finder calculator. It takes into account your weight, height, arch height, running style, expertise, and so forth.

Are you a runner? Do you have a favorite running shoe? What other tips can you recommend when choosing the right running shoes? Share in the comments!