Wood floor is a wood-based industry, is the most important part of the forestry industry, but also an important part of the construction of modern forestry. After 20 years of development, China's wood floor has formed a multi-species, multi-standard and multi-grade, from R & D, production, sales and after-sales service supporting relatively complete industrial system. Currently engaged in flooring production enterprises with more than three thousand. Practitioners who have been up to 100 million people, the total output value as high as 500 billion yuan,photos of wood planks for pools according to statistics, in 2007 China's wood flooring production has reached more than 3.6 million square meters, ranking first in the world.

We can say that China's wood flooring production has been among the ranks of world powers. However, we must clearly see that the current difficulties in the development of the wood floor and the problems encountered. Such as the world financial crisis has brought about the economic downturn, especially the impact of the financial crisis on the real estate industry, and the impact on the wood floor, which is the big problems we need to study. Another example is promoting Corinthians reform in our country, the implementation of silviculture made household management, the impact of this system on our wood raw materials for enterprises. Here special mention wood as raw materials business, including of course our wood floor, the basis of survival is wood, fire prevention polypropylene floorno wood in our industry it would be no rice. So a steady supply of timber has become the most fundamental issues of our wood raw material enterprises, from this perspective, to wood-based enterprise development, can we silviculture, reforestation has a tremendous role in promoting the cause, and afforestation Timber is not only a huge economic benefits as well as ecological and social benefits.

So from this perspective, the cause of forest plantation is a special industry, this particularity deserves national recognition, as to agriculture, should be given a range of support, including national financial assistance, including policy support long-term loans, and the introduction of a light tax burden, and so on policy.thermoplastic backsplash malaysia Here I would also like to insert a period, at the conference reflect some comrades to me that in this country increased export tax rebates, the wood floor is decreasing instead of increasing export tax rebates, such a situation, I think it is due to the An error caused by forestry knowledge.